Andy needed to do a tower inspection today so it would be ready for the groups coming this weekend (the bolts and screws all have to be checked and stuff.) You can't tell because I zoomed in so far, but he is 55 feet up, on top of the tower, in this picture.
The kids had a blast playing while Andy was working. It has been a warm day and will get up to 80 this afternoon!
Breakfast at church. Levi found a new friend--well, actually she found him and didn't let go all day! Sadie found a friend too.Getting ready to sing. Sadie just wanted to sit on the stage. She didn't sing with the kids."My Redeemer Lives- I'll raide a banner "cause my Savior conquered the grave."We tried to get a family picture.
We decided to do some surprise artwork on the Johnson's sidewalk (the house across the street.) It said "Happy Easter" and the kids colored in the eggs.