Friday, July 31, 2009

GG Loves Me

GG (Great Grandma Black) got the kids shirts that say, "GG Loves Me."



Cry! Sadie had enough of this! She wanted to play with the camera and this is the face she made when I said, "No!" She was probably thinking, "GG would let me have it!"

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Levi was posing like a pro. I call this one "Good Boy"

And this one, "Not So Good Boy." And this one, "Olan Mills"

This is the picture we submitted for our new church directory. It is from the 4th of July picnic at the Crane's. Yes, we are wearing jackets. This summer has been cool!

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

How Does Your Garden Grow?

The new stroller--love it! Levi decided to pick a flower for Mommy.

The sprinkler (who knew $3 at Big Lots could buy so much fun?)
Andy was pulling up old strawberry plants and rearranging things in the garden. He had two helpers.

Yes, they got a bath that night!

Sunday, July 12, 2009


Today the kids sang in church. This was Levi's first time ever so of course I was the crazy mom with the camera flashing the whole time. It was hard to get a good pircture because I didn't want hin to see me!

Friday, July 10, 2009

One More

I had to post just one more. This afternoon Levi and I were back at the Ranch (surprise surprise) for the Day Camp rodeo. Levi brought Moses, the dog, along and was just too cute.

Fun In The Sun

I took my camera to the Ranch to take camp pictures ( and got these cute ones of our kids too. Alaysha and Heather are the girls in the first photo. They are staff kids who help watch Levi and Sadie. They are great helpers!

Boys Will Be Boys

Zane and Levi.

Playing a little rough!

I wanted to get a picture of Levi on a horse, and as you can see he wanted no part of it!

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Singin in the Rain

We spent the evening at the Ranch tonight (like most nights in the summer.) We decided to pack our dinner and hike out in the woods and cook over a fire. Well, clouds rolled in and we thought it best not to go. We began to cook our meal near the picnic pavillion and then it rained on us! We finished cooking in the dining hall and then when the rain stopped Levi went puddle jumping!

Garden 2009

The rose bush is very happy-full of blooms and buds this year!
This is a new one Mom got me but I'm not sure what it is. Perhaps Rose of Sharon or Hollyhock?

From the road.

The vegetables: corn, lettuce and carrots on left. Potatoes and beans on right.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Changing Every Day

Finally a picture of us! Those eyes kill me!
Silly kid.

Levi was eating some dry cereal (Kix) at the table. I went in to check on him and found him loading them into his tractor before eating them. I wonder where he leanred that?!
Pretty Girl! Sadie is a natural in front of the camera!