Wednesday was hay day at the Ranch. I'm pretty sure this is Andy's favorite day of the year. He left work a litte early to get in on the action.
Levi kept saying, "Help, working." I think he wanted to be a part of it but was a little afraid of all the noise from the hay elevator and tractors. His favorite part was watching the round bails being dumped out of the back of a trcuk and rolling on the grass.

I had to get a picture of Andy- I told him it was 7 years ago on hay day that I fell in love with him...well, or that I decided that he was really cute and I wanted to get to know him :-) These are blurry from all the hay dust in the air.

Here is the crew.

For Larry's sake I think the Ranch should hire a chiropractor and masseuse.

I had to get a picture of Andy- I told him it was 7 years ago on hay day that I fell in love with him...well, or that I decided that he was really cute and I wanted to get to know him :-) These are blurry from all the hay dust in the air.

For Larry's sake I think the Ranch should hire a chiropractor and masseuse.