Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Memorial Day Weekend

The Family at the Crane's Memorial Day Picnic Levi and Mommy at Mr. and Mrs. David and Sarah Bacon's Wedding

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Apalachin's Funniest Home Videos

OK, so these may not be the funniest videos, but they sure are cute! Sadie is getting so fast lately!

Sadie has the silliest wave!

Levi has been learning some songs but doens't really sing yet. It is so cute when he begs to sing. His favorites are "Shine" (aka This Little Light of Mine) and "Zaccheus" but those were too long to post here.

Friday, May 15, 2009


I was trying to get some good pictures of the kids together tonight. Levi was actually very cooperative and kept pulling Sadie back on his lap even when she tried to crawl away!

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Spring has Arrived

Sadie meets a Saltine. Andy and his gal.
We had to capture this on film: Levi eating Big Dipper ice cream. It was much less messy than last year!